Sustainability and Community Networks (especially tables on pages 17/18), Christian Fuchs

Some of the community networks mentioned by Fuchs:

More community networks:

Feminist infrastructures and community networks
https://giswatch.org/sites/default/files/giswatch18_web_0.pdf -> GISWatch Community Networks 2018 Report

Gender and Tech Resources

Principles of Community Engagement

Consumer Cooperatives as a new Governance Form : The Case of the Cooperatives in the Broadband Industry, B.M. Sadowski

The Wireless Commons License: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Commons_License

Yunohost: https://yunohost.org/#/
Disroot: https://disroot.org/en
Deflect: https://deflect.ca/
Prism-break: https://prism-break.org/en/categories/servers/
Framasoft: https://degooglisons-internet.org/en/?l=en
Freedombox: https://www.freedombox.org/

Hosting collectives / ethical orgs
Mayfirst: https://mayfirst.coop/en/index.html
Greenhost: https://greenhost.net/

Artists working against gentrification "Weg met de artwashing": https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2019/07/31/weg-met-de-artwashing-a3968724
Framer Framed - https://framerframed.nl/en/
Eva Olthof - http://evaolthof.nl/
Jeanne van Heeswijk - http://jeanneworks.net
Stijn van Dorpe - https://stijnvandorpe.blogspot.com/2016/03/short-cut-tarwewijk-rotterdam.html
Hans Haacke https://www.curbed.com/2015/9/2/9924926/hans-haacke-photography-slumlord

Wireless Networking in the Developing World

http://ook.website/ -> reinaart's house & community project, also in Charlois \o/
"Our house can also_ be used freely by neighbors and acquaintances. By programming and facilitating various activities, ook_ aims to provide a communal presence which starts from simply meeting each other. It is a home for also_artistic activity, in whatever way."

Community networks newsletter: https://rising.globalvoices.org/blog/category/community-networks/

RFC Alternative Network Deployments: Taxonomy, Characterization, Technologies, and Architectures: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7962/

Development and management ofcollective network and cloudcomputing infrastructures
http://dsg.ac.upc.edu/sites/default/files/dsg/phd_roger.pdf (a lot on Guifi.net, recently published)

"De focus ligt daarbij op sociaaleconomische verhalen. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de beginnende gentrificatie (of de rol die kunstenaars daarin spelen), de veranderende betekenis van de haven voor Charlois, ondernemerschap binnen specifieke migrantengroepen, alternatieve economieën of de industrie rond armoedebestrijding."

* space: Varia
* budget: 
    + time for preparation 6 hours * 4 people * 4 months (honorarium: 30 euros per hour?)
    + 2 guests  (10 hours total)
    + flyers + print materials (100 euros)
    + coffee/tea and fruit (perishables) (50 euros)

* time: 1-2 days workshop + (preparation: meetings Varia 6 hours a month * 4 people)

* description: a workshop on Charlois everyday technology. Information stall / installation like format.
* theme: 

    strategies for public moments and starting the process of learning about the neighborhood:
        * spread flyers and invite people to a public moment; 
        * who are the 'inlfuencers' in the neighborhhod?
             - Buurtzorg


We're working from https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/wg.communitynetworks.proposal for the proposal


Varia is a collective-space in Rotterdam focused on everyday technologies. We believe technology shouldn't be the exclusive domain of specialists. It affects everyone and should enable (rather than preclude) diverse ways of living. We understand everyday technology broadly (not just as computers but also, for example, as cooking tools or musical instruments). Being involved in the fields of art, design, software & hardware, education and theoretical practices, we felt the need for a place where technology and social questions are linked; a place where collaboration, continuity, development, collective learning, curiosity and experiments are foregrounded.

We have been based in Charlois for two years and have an understanding that we have little insight into the surrounding community. This happened for various reasons: being a recent initiative, Varia was still figuring itself out, both in terms of principles and pratices. Besides, most of our members don't speak Dutch (but are learning). However, after two years of existence, we finally feel we have arrived at a point where the relationship between Varia and the neighbourhood can become part of our practice. Specifically within the context of rising gentrification, we would like to present our position unless we become an active part of the problem. *

For Charlois Kapitaal we propose to investigate the connection of the Charlois neighborhood with 'everyday technologies'. In order to do so we will initiate a field research to engage with several neighbourhood actors (initiatives, inhabitants, facilities, businesses) to understand needs, desires, interests.
During the Charlois Kapitaal festival we will facilitate a public moment; we currently imagine possible formats: 
    and/or hands-on workshop;
    and/or talks invite similar initiatives, artists with a community-based practice;
    and/or an 'info stall' with the gathering up to that moment;

The end goal of this research is to arrive at a place where we are better able to root Varia's practices within the surrounding community, becoming a situated part of it, a space that is known to the neighborhood opposed to an unfamiliar, closed-off place where some outside people meet and some events happen. The latter will also provide guidance towards the ways we communicate future activities.

*understand we are, by default, a part of the problem and that by taking a position and making an effort we can counteract this

Meeting with Ivo 6-12-2019

10-14 June 2020 >> Charlois Kapitaal
January / March / May: 3 worksessions with participants of Charlois Kapitaal
Budget will be confirmed in the end of February?
what are the other channels that we can use to get through to the neighbourhood? eg: newsletter of Woongroup
Thuis Op Straat - ToS -> https://www.thuisopstraat.nl/overTOS.html

Meeting 22-01-2020

* review of meeting with ivo (6th december) (see just above ^^^) 
* last email was a postponement, not a cancellation (which felt weird, but we think it is fine)
* meeting one afternoon and make a list of questions to ask to all local influencers (what intel we want to get from them) && draft email to these influencers && send email to Charlois Kapitaal - February 12th at 14h
* maybe we should start establishing contact with people (around line 90):

ref via Manetta: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Memory AMAZING \o/
community board at MCD

https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlois - WE'RE HERE

Meeting 12-02-2020

    - Send e-mail to Charlois Kapitaal
    - Prepare list of questions to ask local #influencers
    - Write email to #influencers

Questions for people involved in Charlois communities:
    - how long have you been in Charlois?
    - what is, according to you, characteristic about the Charloisse community? Is there a community? communitieS?
    - what are your modes of communication with groups from Charlois?
    - do local groups organise? how do they do it?
    - we are a collective working around themes of everyday technology. 

Psst, a tiny note:
when we just started Varia, we were invited by the neighbours (once/twice?) to come over and have lunch together. i think it was initiated by the scenery design studio (if i remember correctly that that was what they do), which is directly next to us. i haven't been there, but dennis and roel went one time i think. 

Meeting 12-02-2020

    - Send e-mail to Charlois Kapitaal
    - Prepare list of questions to ask local #influencers
    - Write email to #influencers

Questions for people involved in Charlois communities:
    - how long have you been in Charlois?
    - what is, according to you, characteristic about the Charloisse community? Is there a community? communitieS?
    - what are your modes of communication with groups from Charlois?
    - do local groups organise? how do they do it?
    - we are a collective working around themes of everyday technology. we are currently trying to understand what we could mean for the community. do you have any insights on the neighborhood specific needs regarding technology(??) ?

maybe of interest :

Psst, a tiny note: