Continuing @ https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/w/com-net/
Related pad by Crunk @ https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/gda-communitynetwork
(Thinking about this for ArtEZ art academy workshops)
The idea
- Run a public wifi access point at Varia
=== Legalities ===
"Easy" mode
- https://www.ictrecht.nl/kennis/factsheets/draadloos-internet-aanbieden
- - if you offer publicly accessible wifi point, you have major bureacracy (see gore mode below)
- - if you offer to specific public then there is no "general public" and then you escape bureaucracy
- in this way you emulate what cafes/libraries do - password protected membership/location based access
- - if you do not screen/track with logins, registered accounts, logging then you are not liable for what
- anything the user might do. the important distinction here is "active" vs. "passive" provider of the wifi
- access
- - https://lawfox.nl/blog/dos-donts-aanbieden-wifi/
- - https://www.juridict.nl/juridict-nieuwsartikel/internetverbinding-over-wifi-beschikbaar-stellen-aan-bezoekers/
- - https://alcadis.nl/oplossingen/wireless/wet-en-regelgeving-wi-fi/
- - being seen as a "passive" provider is the only low-bureaucracy way forward
- - you can block ports and some websites and you will still not be seen as an "active" provider
- - "Bedrijven mogen zonder restricties internettoegang via Wi-Fi aanbieden aan een besloten groep
- klanten, bijvoorbeeld op een camping of in een restaurant. Wanneer een bedrijf een openbaar Wi-Fi
- netwerk openstelt aan het publiek, bijvoorbeeld op markten of stranden, dan is een meldplicht bij
- de Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM) van kracht." (again, gore mode)
"Gore" mode
- https://www.agentschaptelecom.nl/documenten/brochures/2018/1/17/openbare-aanbieders
- - If offering publicly accessible wifi then you come under the Telecommunications law
- - You have to register yourself as an access point, allow tapping, store traffic and some other regulations
=== Terms and Usage ===
Following ictrecht.nl link above it doesnt even seem legally required to do this
However it might be interesting to do this to make some progressive statement
- https://www.nycmesh.net/ncl.pdf