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sus_NET June hosted by Joana Chicau


In times of physical distancing, sus_NET a series of ‘slow’ collaborate sessions have been filling the ‘gap’ of what would have been a series of in person meetings and knowledge exchanges. On monthly organised sessions around a proposed theme the group gathers and shares situated practices and experiences of going through multiple phases of lockdown in various geographic locations across the world. 

The current time of crisis and confinement has reconfigured our appreciations of proximity. In this process, we found ourselves redefining social distance and nearness in our networks. What did we learn from this experience? How can we nurture and maintain certain initiatives, mobilised efforts, tools and infrastructures? Perhaps most importantly is to ask how to continue feeding our network imagination in our cyber futures.

En tiempos de distanciamiento físico, sus_NET una serie de sesiones de colaboración "lenta" han estado llenando el "vacío" de lo que habría sido una serie de reuniones en persona e intercambios de conocimientos. En sesiones mensuales organizadas en torno a un tema propuesto, el grupo se reúne y comparte prácticas y experiencias situadas en torno a múltiples fases de encierro en diversos lugares geográficos del mundo. 

La actual época de crisis y encierro ha reconfigurado nuestras apreciaciones sobre la proximidad. En este proceso, nos encontramos redefiniendo la distancia social y la cercanía en nuestras redes. ¿Qué hemos aprendido de esta experiencia? ¿Cómo podemos alimentar y mantener ciertas iniciativas, esfuerzos movilizados, herramientas e infraestructuras? Quizá lo más importante sea preguntarse cómo seguir alimentando nuestra imaginación de red en nuestros ciberfuturos.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator


Contribute to this document with one question (in English or Spanish) that reflects your own experience. You can address your question to a particular person, to the world or to yourself in the far future! It can be a pragmatic question, rhetorical, a provocation, a wish...

Contribuye a este documento con una pregunta (en inglés o español) que refleje tu propia experiencia. Puedes dirigir tu pregunta a una persona concreta, al mundo o a ti mismo en un futuro lejano. Puede ser una pregunta pragmática, retórica, una provocación, un deseo...

Marlin y Piren:

Es la distancia fisica una excusa para el distanciamieto social?
Is physical distance an excuse for social distancing?

Pueden los dispositivos de control impuestos por los gobiernos ser resignificados para operar como herramientas de empoderamiento?
Can government-imposed control devices be re-signified to operate as tools of empowerment?

Alex: In what positive way have the distancing measures impacted? De que manera positiva han impactado las medidas de distanciamiento?

Chris B: What are some of the wider forces in a locality that might determine how these control-devices and procedures end up shaping our lives and experiences? Are they country-specific? Political? Do they tie into wider narratives?

Diana Me pregunto, ¿la imposición siempre es algo negativo? o a veces algo necesario? 
Diana: I wonder, is imposition always a negative thing? or sometimes something necessary?

Leonardo: ¿Qué tipos de resignificación son posibles cuando las tecnologías han sido creadas desde los centros de desarrollo tecnológico, y que condiciones son necesarias para dicha resignificación? 

Cual es el futuro de las interacciones fisicas entre colegas/amigos/compañeros/etc cuando volvamos a compartir espacios?
What is the future of physical interactions between colleagues/friends/classmates/etc when we return to sharing spaces?

Joanne: What kinds of interactions do we want to take forward from pandemic times? What should we leave behind? What ha we miss? What are the cultural, social and environmental impacts of this?


¿Puede el arte ayudarnos a hacer sentido de la pandemia a través de sus herramientas críticas o sus prácticas instituyentes?
¿Como puede el arte ayudarnos a discernir los limites o los umbrales que determinan cuando la ciencia y la tecnología protegen la vida y cuando la destruyen? 
¿Podrá el arte ayudarnos a reconstruir nuestras comunidades una vez que haya terminado la pandemia?

Can art help us make sense of the pandemic through its critical tools or instituting practices? Yes it has done throughout history art helps us make sence of the world we are in
How can art help us discern the limits or thresholds that determine when science and technology protect life and when they destroy it?
Joanne: Can we use creative practice to share experiences of the pandemic that question/resist the necropolitics inherent in our situation? How much death? But outside of statistics, lines, the numeric?
Alex: In what way do we infuse, grow the value of art and culture in everything we do? especially in communities that do not have time to reflect on these issues?

Can art help us rebuild our communities once the pandemic is over? 

Chris B: Can art broaden the stories told about life in the pandemic? Different people and representation; disrupt the dominant narrative

Diana: can art help us to slow down and not be in these crazy times where everything has to be fast and now?

El distanciamiento social nos ha obligado a rediseñarnos en nestra manera de comunicarnos con las comunidades. Puede ser esta la escusa en muchos entornos y contextos de nuestros países para lograr acceso a ellas? Son las plataformas la manera adecuada para comunicarnos con sitios remotos y de que manera innovar con ellas?

Social distancing has forced us to redesign ourselves in our way of communicating with communities. Can this be the excuse in many settings and contexts of our countries to gain access to them? Are platforms the right way to communicate with remote sites and in what way to innovate with them?

Joanne: What have we learnt that platforms can/cannot do through working with them so closely (and forcibly? intensely?) through the pandemic?

Chris B: What impact does the platform and the interaction have on the parties involved?

Leonardo: As we navigate the issues between privacy and trust when we use these platforms, are there ways to turn it around? 

Joanne: How do these platforms frustrate us?—within and outside of existing concerns relating to platform capitalism.

Which forms of communication can be adjusted to virtual interaction and which have been harmed or dissapeared

Joanne: What consitutes a remote site when we are living in close confines?

Diana: How can we re-design also the worldviews regarding communities,  moving away  from words as poverty, vulnerability, development etc.?

El aislamiento, la distancia social nos llevan a escenarios de soledad. ¿Pueden estos tiempos ser  la oportunidad de conocernos a nosotros mismos, nuestros deseos, demonios, pnesamientos, lo que realmente somos...o nos empujará invebitablemente a la inconciencia, el odio, el miedo y la polarización?
conocernos mejor puede ser una vía para un mejor entendimiento del <otro>
knowing ourselves can be a way to a better understanding of others. 

Isolation, social distance lead us to lonely scenarios. Can these times be the opportunity to know ourselves, our desires, demons, thoughts, what we really are... or will it inevitably push us to more unconsciousness, hate, fear and polarization?

Chris B: links to ideas around personal perspective, rational discourse, appreciation of the experiences of others - issues that affect the public shpere and political discourse already.

Joanne: Is knowing ourselves through a pandemic different to knowing ourselves outside the pandemic context? What has the pandemic done to how we imagine the self-particularly in relation to others?

Emma - As our appreciations of proximity with our communities has been redefined though the pandemic and our governments I have missed the Spaces In-between - where exciting and interesting interactions/conversations/creativity/developing of relationships /trust/ thoughts/support/provocations historically have happen. While making a cup of tea, walking into or leaving the space where the activity is held, a chance meeting with someone … a chat while making or sharing something.  How do make sure that we still can explore the Spaces In-between? 
Can these Spaces In-Between for our communities also not be bound by space as it is not for the privileged? More than every the more people that have a global connection the greater understanding they will have of the challenges for others and also be able to recognise the similarities. 

Joana: How can we make space for the in between spaces?
isn't our practice a "in between space" by default? or at least can potencially be...

Leonardo: Can we redefine proximity within virtuality or is embodiment a condition for proximity? 

Joana: How can we learn to em<body> be part of collective <bodies>?
I think we can relate the embodiment with Diana's concern about self-knowing

Diana: would the pandemic change our in-between spaces for social media, netflix, cell phones and others..?

Emma - A medida que nuestra apreciación de la proximidad con nuestras comunidades se ha redefinido a través de la pandemia y nuestros gobiernos, he echado de menos los espacios intermedios, donde históricamente han ocurrido interacciones / conversaciones / creatividad / desarrollo de relaciones / confianza / pensamientos / apoyo / provocaciones emocionantes e interesantes. . Mientras se prepara una taza de té, se entra o se sale del espacio donde se realiza la actividad, un encuentro casual con alguien… una charla mientras se hace o se comparte algo. ¿Cómo asegurarnos de que todavía podemos explorar los espacios intermedios?
¿Pueden estos Espacios Intermedios para nuestras comunidades tampoco estar limitados por el espacio como no lo es para los privilegiados? Más que cuantas más personas tengan una conexión global, mayor comprensión tendrán de los desafíos para los demás y también podrán reconocer las similitudes.

marlin: los espacios intermedios quedaron vacios? 

Joanne – How can we find space to be reflective/reflexive through a crisis? And is this a useful tool for working/thinking through crises?
Alex: In a crisis like the current one, is there time and space to slow down and reflect? En una crisis como la actual, existe el tiempo y el espacio para frenar y reflexionar?
Emma : It is a question that we keep asking but yet have not found the time  - it is really inportant as there is so much learning and opportunity to change the way we work
Joana: How can we continue stretching and building our collective muscle?
Diana:  Should a reflexive space feels as a space for rest and let go?