__PUBLISH__ '|| ||' | '||' '|' '||' ..|'''.| | .|'''.| ..|'''.| ..|''|| '|. '|' '||''''| '||' ..|'''.| .|'''.| ||| ||| ||| || | || .|' ' ||| ||.. ' .|' ' .|' || |'| | || . || .|' ' ||.. ' |'|..'|| | || || || || .... | || ''|||. || || || | '|. | ||''| || || .... ''|||. | '|' || .''''|. | || || '|. || .''''|. . '|| '|. . '|. || | ||| || || '|. || . '|| .|. | .||. .|. .||. .| ||. .||. ''|...'| .|. .||. |'....|' ''|....' ''|...|' .|. '| .||. .||. ''|...'| |'....|' If you've ever seen the desktop environment maxigas configured then you know! * The nice window system -> https://wiki.debian.org/XWindowSystem * ~/.Xresources is the config file. * If you're using Debian you already have this, so nothing needed to install! * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/xresources/xresources * The nice tiling window manager -> https://github.com/Airblader/i3 * You only need to install this if you want those nice "gaps" * https://github.com/Airblader/i3/wiki/Building-from-source * ~/.config/i3/config + ~/.config/i3status/config * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/i3/config * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/i3status/config * The nice customisable terminal -> https://jlk.fjfi.cvut.cz/arch/manpages/man/urxvt.1 * sudo apt-get install urxvt-unicode * ~/.urxvt/ext/ + ~/.Xresources * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/xresources/xresources * The nice X compositor -> https://github.com/chjj/compton * sudo apt-get install compton compton-conf * ~/.config/compton.conf * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/compton/compton.conf * The nice font -> https://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html * sudo apt-get install fonts-inconsolata + sudo fc-cache -fv * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/i3/config#L15 * The nice clipboard manager -> https://linux.die.net/man/1/xsel + https://github.com/CristianHenzel/ClipIt * You'll need to copy / pasta stuff! * sudo apt-get install xsel clipit * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/i3/config#L12 * The nice desktop image manager -> https://feh.finalrewind.org/ * sudo apt-get install feh * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/i3/config#L125 * The nice colourscheme -> https://terminal.sexy/ * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/xresources/xresources#L1-18 * The nice window switcher -> https://github.com/davatorium/rofi * sudo apt-get install rofi * https://git.coop/decentral1se/dotfiles/blob/master/roles/restore/files/xresources/xresources#L62-67